ophia is 23years old living at Nyanshana, she got child when she was at age of 17 this situation have lead her on number of challenges which has limit her to attain what she was planned...
Leading Change
The spectrum of empowerment!!!
“A woman is the full Circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform”. – Diane Mariechild A women’s role can be appropriately described as ‘multi-dimensional’...
From Teacher to Educator: A lifelong process
I never wanted to be a French teacher. I knew I wanted to pursue French after high school and that I wanted to study abroad for my junior year of college. I thought to myself, “I’ll be...
Strive To Be Better Than Who You Were Yesterday.
Two of the most prime dates in my life are 12.14.2020 and 19.01.2021. It was on these two dates (respectively), that I gave my acceptance speech to my country for being celebrated as the...
You will overcome!
The quote reads ‘Things either make you or break you.’ I believe at first, my life really broke me. But when I started to comprehend how wasteful I was being with my existence, it was...
Five Generations and Brain Surgery
On Thanksgiving Day, I decided to write to my local newspaper about the many wonderful and “unique” things and events in my life to be grateful “for” as well as...
My Fistula Journey.
Founder: Save A Woman Fistula Foundation My name is Sharon Korir, 36 years old and I am an Obstetric Fistula Survivor, diagnosed with the condition after the birth of my second child. I am...
The power of believe on yourself
Kwa majina naitwa Shella Salum nina miaka 33 naishi dar es salaam, Tanzania. Ni mhitimu wa chui kikuu degree of arts with education 2015, Sikupata ajira serikalini nikaajiriwa shule binafsi...
End Period Poverty and Period Shame.
As a young girl I passed through Period Poverty and Period Stigma. Staying with someone who could never care about me as a girl. I dropped out of school because I could never afford to buy...
Rebirth of a Queen
Telling my story will remain the most powerful tool I possess on earth, my story starts in the year 2020. In March 2020, I received a call of a woman crying on the other side of the call...