Something that we don’t see coming. Maybe we did and maybe we didn’t but it happens regardless. You can be the best person you could be and tried your best but someone close to your...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
Indian women history museum – celebrating women...
Greetings! Indian History Women Museum will be start on International Women’s Day Indian Women’s History Museum- Celebrating Women’s History A space to explore and...
Why Say It Forward?
VIDEO: YOUR story DOES matter! It matters to you, it matters to us, and it matters to so many other women and girls who will be inspired by what you have to say.
My body does not define me.
As a teenager and a young 20 something I suffered with body dysmorphia. I was the skinny fat girl. I had a childhood that no one should ever have, a multitude of pain-struggle-abuse-pain...
I’m still in progress
Hi everyone. Today I would like to share a story about me. I am a 18 year old woman and I live in Malaysia. So since I was 15, I have struggled with bulimia and anorexia nervosa. For those...
From Survivor to Thriving Conqueror
I am the managing director at BTSADV, a dv educator in my community, a growing speaker, an empowerment blogger via holistic health at KayLa’s Positivity Corner, and very recent...
Your life is worth living
Things I learned from a previous suicide attempt. By Sierra. On March 14, 2019, I tried to take my life. Earlier that day, I had come home from a long day, a long week. I was tired. I felt...
It all starts with YOU!
BELIEVING is CHANGING. how I did it and how I am still managing to do it. I’ll start with my story with stress, and how stress changed me over the years. Before starting medicine...
words can kill you
Before , I start I’d like to give a trigger warning this story contains material that may be triggering to those with a history of eating disorders or self harm. There was this girl in...
I worked hard and defied the odds
Hi this is my story. when I was eight years old I hurt my hip really bad at the time we thought I was a pulled hip flexor so we just moved on with life. I was a gymnast I had fulls and...