Finding me

As a young woman I struggled with who I was. Not because I did not like who I was but because I had so many interests & wanted to be so many things I could not say “No”. In high school, I was involved in many clubs & organizations, as well as taking advanced courses. I got into my first choice college and was so excited to start. Right away, I knew I wanted to be involved in as much as I could to make sure I got the “college experience” everyone kept telling me about. It wasn’t until I was a sophomore in college that I realized that it did not matter how many things I did but how much I dedicated myself to what mattered. I decided that it was most important to be a great friend, awesome student and active member of the college community. I began managing my time more efficiently & realized that I was a positive influence on the people around me. That was the moment I knew my true calling. All the years I spent finding ways to help were showing me that I was born to be a teacher.

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Bethany Badesso