
Start of a life

My life right now is like hell with the thoughts of suicide. Every day, I feel like an empty guy … I’m having a really difficult life situation today, March 24, 2018.I have...


Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains details of childhood attempted suicide. Hello, my name is C I am 13 years old currently (mom approved to share) I...

I’m strong enough to get through it

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood rape, and other forms of violence and abuse. My story begins somewhere in the early...


I don’t know if this can fit under the category “inspiring” this is more of a “your not alone” kind of story. My main point of sharing my feelings/life is to...

Only Sixteen

I am only sixteen. When I was just 14 years old my life changed more than I ever thought it would. In April of 2016 I stayed the night with my best friend, who was a guy. Which already...


My name is Summer and i’ve been depressed ever since I can remember. My mom and dad split up when I was a baby. I lived with my mom and my older brother lived with our dad and our...