
I grew up to be an amazing young woman

Since a young age, I bowed down to the expectations of how others viewed me. After so long of listening to other people predict your life, you begin to believe it, too. For the first twelve...

Me and my dyslexia

At the age of eight after a diagnosis i have been told i had a math dyslexia. At first, i didn’t really get what it means, but later, when i was about eleven, i started feeling like i...

Why I can’t love

I was born to a 14 year old girl and a 17 year old boy. I didn’t realize my life was any different than other until I was 10 years old. My mother was loving she cared for me despite how...

The Hidden Truth

This story belongs to my childhood till I grew up and the topic is quite vast but I would like to highlight my character that how i faced harassment in my childhood where no one support me...

The truth will set you free.

I do not think that I fully understood my inner strength until I was old enough and wise enough to understand what it meant. I must have been in my early 30s. At almost 8yrs old we migrated...

A Better Future

I’ve faced many of challenges. Well to start, I was a caregiver for my mom at the age of 13, and that had a huge impact on my school life. I would constantly get bullied and also...

Facing challenges

I began having seizures in the second grade. I remember my first one still very clearly. I heard my dad in a panicking voice saying my name and it was constantly echoing. I also saw pitch...

Adoption and my son

I lost my son to adoption and then suffered severe depression but now i’m Working hard to become self employed I want to share my story and maybe it will help someone

My tragic then beautiful story

Hi I guess my tragic story began my first year of intermediate I guess you could have called me nieve, loud and annoyin. I had no friends for a long time until I got peared with a girl...

My Raw Unfiltered Cleansing Truths

Learn to overcome my most difficult lifelong struggles. Change the way I think of myself and others. Those are my goals but in order to fix my problems I’ve begun to face them and trace...