Cultural Norms

Partear la vida toda

Soy Natalia, tengo 26 años, me formé como Licenciada en obstetricia en las provincias de Tucumán y Entre Ríos, Argentina, me considero feminista , activista por los derechos de las...

Stronger than I thought I was

I am STRONG AND BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT, AND SO ARE YOU!! As I grow older day by day, I find out more about my gender. The choices that we get to make and the power we have is not as much...

Empowering women in every aspect

I am a drummer from Iraq. Playing music or doing any music activity professionally as an Iraqi is a dangerous thing to do. Some people had their lives threatened for teaching music or being...

My horrible experience and in the present

So I am a young pre – teen just about twelve years of age and I have experienced negative feelings and things got to do with parents , depression and anxiety. So my parents are very...

My Life as a Girl

I always wanted to be that perfect child. Hi, let my name for time being me anonymous and I am from India. Basically, in India when a girl child is born or the gender of the baby when...

Unleashing the Girl Power

I grew up in a family/community that relegated women and girls for example, when men spoke, women are to remain silent or take the blame for everything whether they are right or wrong. Most...

Our actions impact others

I was born and raised in Germany in a patriarchal Turkish household. My parents emigrated there before my birth. At 19, I was arranged married to a relative who mentally and physically...