When your family is your worst enemy but they make you believe that you are, that’s the worst. When you believe the stuff they call you and start questioning your self? I lived with my...
My mental health cause and ways to cope with it
Hey, my name is Addy and this is my story on suicide. In the beging of my school year I had it absolutely perfect. I had a loyal boyfriend who I had for 4 1/2 years, the besets of friends...
Will the digital freedom restrictions have an impact...
From loss of jobs to loss of loved ones to loss of freedom, the COVID disruption has brought about a climate of uncertainty among all generations, especially women. Falling incomes, job...
No Stigma Just Love!!!
Many people believe that having mental health issues is a choice, that people choose to be sad or depressed, or that they would get better if they only knew how to control their emotions...
A Story and Message
I am still in the early stages of my life. I am only a Freshman in college at the moment, but I would like to share my story. My reasoning for this is to hopefully give someone else hope...
Heavy and light
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of repeated childhood rape and other forms of violence and abuse. My name isn’t important. To...
the near end for a new beging
i remeber it like it was yesterday i just turnd 15 and i was already wanting to give up but i stayed for the one i loved as i was fakeing a few smiles so people could enjoy my birthday and...
Hi, I am L. I am 14 and I am an attempt survivor. My reasons for it is my own but I want to talk about my journey with suicide ideation and depression. I tried to OD on aspirin at the...
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood rape, sexual assault, and other forms of abuse. HATE: A True Story By Doreen L...
Hopeful sad girl
I have a very sad story to share.please don’t cry or feel sorry for me after reading this.I am not angry or sad with anyone,I just wanna ask god ..why did you do this to me,what had I...