
Grout is an aggregate material often made with a cement or epoxy base. Grout is often used to hold tile in place and keep out moisture. Grout can be found in a variety of places including...

Lesbian After Abuse

Hello there, my name is Marley, I am 28 years old and I am a rape survivor. Since the sexual assault, my dad has seen some profound changes in me. First of all, I was completely estranged...

i am me

I struggle to accept myself. People say I am proud to be gay, its true sometimes I am proud sometimes I am not, most of the times I pretend I don’t mind it, but I do. Normally when I walk...

Am i the bad friend

Everything started on the first day of school in the academy. It was the first time I saw everyone face to face after 2 months of online class. So my class was a pretty small group so we...

Burning Heart

Its the temple that I see every day Its the temple that society tells me I need to weigh My body is not clay It’s not perfect and that’s okay Because its mine And I love it anyway You...

I love the city

I was five years old when I first realized I was gay. Being the eldest daughter of immigrant parents, there were many things I wasn’t allowed to do and experience. I wasn’t able...

Nobody of a Soldier

I really don’t know how to start, as far as I see it, until the past year my life has been rather dark. I turn 30 this January 2021. I guess its easiest to start at the beginning...