Grout is an aggregate material often made with a cement or epoxy base. Grout is often used to hold tile in place and keep out moisture. Grout can be found in a variety of places including...
Lesbian After Abuse
Hello there, my name is Marley, I am 28 years old and I am a rape survivor. Since the sexual assault, my dad has seen some profound changes in me. First of all, I was completely estranged...
I’m not like other girls to a whole different...
Are you a person who doesn’t know what their sexuality is? You are torn between liking girls or guys and worried that people won’t understand you? Maybe you like both! But even...
Breaking Free: A Journey of Survival, Self-Acceptance...
My name is Yahia Abdulhassan, I was born on 28.06. in Nuremberg. I was a happy child surrounded by love and affection. But in 2013, my family decided to return to their homeland in Iraq. I...
Channelling trauma into LGBTQ+ Community support
I grew up in an extreme catholic military family with a Chinese father and an American mother. I spent my entire life in the closet, My whole life i was subjected to hearing the trans and...
i am me
I struggle to accept myself. People say I am proud to be gay, its true sometimes I am proud sometimes I am not, most of the times I pretend I don’t mind it, but I do. Normally when I walk...
Am i the bad friend
Everything started on the first day of school in the academy. It was the first time I saw everyone face to face after 2 months of online class. So my class was a pretty small group so we...
Burning Heart
Its the temple that I see every day Its the temple that society tells me I need to weigh My body is not clay It’s not perfect and that’s okay Because its mine And I love it anyway You...
I love the city
I was five years old when I first realized I was gay. Being the eldest daughter of immigrant parents, there were many things I wasn’t allowed to do and experience. I wasn’t able...
Nobody of a Soldier
I really don’t know how to start, as far as I see it, until the past year my life has been rather dark. I turn 30 this January 2021. I guess its easiest to start at the beginning...