i am me

Dedication: My friends

I struggle to accept myself. People say I am proud to be gay, its true sometimes I am proud sometimes I am not, most of the times I pretend I don’t mind it, but I do. Normally when I walk on the street, I see straight couples being cute and I ask myself why on earth can’t I just be happy. Just a happy normal girl, a girl who doesn’t doubt her sexual orientation or gender identity at all, a girl who has straight As and has a steady life with no dark past. I feel like that would be way easier. Right? I remember once one of my friends said that I must be easier to be gay, because it would be weird to walk hand in hand with a dude and people just think your friends. What the hell? I’m sorry did she completely miss the part where gay people get killed for being them? For loving who they love? People clearly love Romeo and Juliette, two people, kids who fall in love, in a passionate love, they teach that in schools it’s a classic. I thought love was blind, isn’t that what you just said? If love is blind then don’t kill me for loving who I love, don’t kill me for being who I am. Yes, I like women and only women, but I love humans and if loving a woman is bad then what about all those straight men who like women to? Is that bad? Will you kill them? Call me whatever you want, I will not change for you. This is me and for no one I mean no one will I change. I hope that’s clear in your mind. Just because you don’t like who I am doesn’t mean you can make me doubt myself, I have struggled long enough to find me, to find my identity, you have no power to make me doubt myself to such a point that I wish I was never born. I deserve way better then some ignorant people telling me what to say, what to do, and what to be. I will do what I want, I will say what I want, and I will be who I am meant to be. You fight for equality but forget all about us, all about me. You made me stay silent for so long its my turn to speak, to say my side of the story. You say we are horrible humans who have no place in society, that we are going to go to hell.

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mary diaz