Hi! Today i decided to share my story with all of you and maybe this can change your life, and if you dont agree with me for anything no matter what feel free to judge! So i would usually...
No ones judgement is harder then your own
When I started highschool I was in a mentally exhausting relationship, I was an honors/AP student and I started cheerleading. It was a lot, not only on my body, but also on my mind. I would...
My Escape
When you’re young you have your whole life ahead of you and it is only you that decides what your future will hold. All you have is school, your family and your friends. You...
A Letter to Her-My story of how I became lesbian for...
Hi. I am a 14 year old girl in her freshmen year in high school. Through the past few years I questioned my sexuality because I fell head over heels for my best friend who is a girl. I...
The Superpowers We All Have
I remember when I was around eight or nine years old, I used to doodle encouraging messages to myself on my school notebooks. “You are really cool!” or “Kinga is amazing!” were my...
Supermoce, które wszyscy mamy
Pamiętam, że kiedy miałam osiem czy dziewięć lat w swoich szkolnych zeszytach często pisałam do siebie notatki. “Jesteś naprawdę fajna!” czy “Kinga jest...
Overcome fear of school
Hello! Today i’m gonna share my story about i overcome my fear of trusting people So,around when i was 13 i was scared to go to school cause for me school is just a place where you...
My life, my pride.
Every girl deserves to realise her potential and live her dream life. I have visited a certain community about ten years ago. I met a young girl who had goals she wanted to achieve but was...
Behind the walls
Hi, i’m a high school teenager. i wrote this story just because i feel so lonely and sad and clearly don’t know what to do. when i;m around my friends, my family, i became this...
I don’t know if this can fit under the category “inspiring” this is more of a “your not alone” kind of story. My main point of sharing my feelings/life is to...