Después de disfrutar de una adolescencia privilegiada dentro de los estándares de mi país, incluyendo mudarme a vivir a una ciudad a 4 horas de distancia de mi casa para asistir a una excelente universidad, pasé a vivir a los Estados Unidos...
After having a privileged adolescence in my native country, including going to a very well known university 4 hours away from my parents’ house, I found my self living in the United States specifically in one of the most interesting and...
I ran away from an extremely abusive marriage despite everyone including my own parents advising me to endure the pain and be silent about it because according to our culture women should not share bad deeds of their husbands. ???????????? and...
i was a bit concerned about my weight. im a little under, but i didnt feel healthy. i felt i was fat, and i needed to lose weight.. i recognized myself as an amazing person when i found people ive never met before say that im a person they...
PODCAST: #ThePowerOfYourStory Podcast is an interview series with women from around the world, a collaboration between Girls’ Globe and In this episode, Julia Wiklander, founder of Girls’ Globe, talks with Daniela Arango...
My story is about addiction and needing hope and finding out there is life out there ~ Photo credit: Image courtesy of storyteller.
I want to share my story regarding my daughters battle with Trisomy 13 and how my faith helped me through it. Coping with a Rare Trisomy: Prayer Can Change the Situation
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes descriptions of rape and sexual assault. I wonder how many people are tired of the Harvey Weinstein stories in the press? I wonder how many victims of abuse are not...
My life changed about four years ago when I started to have anxiety and panic attacks. I only had them at work in a small cooler. I knew what it was about but I fought myself for a few months, I kept promising myself it would get better and...
So my story is all about one side love . I starting I would like to say to that don’t go through my grammer ……fell the felling of my story.. Let’s start.. Once upon a time I pass out my 8 class and went to 9 class ...