From a home that acted differently behind closed doors, from a, mom who hated me from birth, to man who was allowed in our home and allowed to rape me,to a mean teacher, to a pastor who...
Surviving Sexual Abuse
my shitty temporary life
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains references to childhood sexual abuse and assault. so, i have been struggling with depression. i’m not no...
Broken but not Destroyed
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains references to childhood rape and sexual abuse. Why the rejection? why the hate? I am YOUR daughter and he’s...
after my darkest moments
Growing up, I’ve noticed that many people, especially men, think they are entitled to a lot from a woman. They think they have the right to look, to gaze with the most naked desire. They...
when i was 11 years old i went on a family trip my stepbrother touched me and i acted like it was okay and to this day i still feel like a slut
My story
When i was 3 years old my parents had got divorced, I have never known why they did until now. I’m only 11 years old right now but theres to much on my mind and i need to get this...
My Journey From “A ‘SCRATCH’ to A...
Hello, It’s Suchismita Ghoshal addressing her life’s story to motivate the distressed people out there who think they will always be stagnant on the point of failure. Hailing...
Without any hope anymore :)
Hi.I’m anonymous and today i decided to share my story with you.I think my mother’s boyfriend is a pedophile.He has not once shown sexual nonsense to me as a little and even...
No one.
My story, its funny. My story, is sad. My story, is mine. I’ve grew up confused on if my life is real or fake, i grew up going through stuff i shouldn’t have , i grew up being...
From Abuse to Successful & Free
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual abuse. In a world where mental toughness is much needed right now, I would love...