Self-Appreciation & Self-Love

You are beautiful

I write this article to remind y’all of how beautiful you are, and how wonderful you are made to be. Few days back, I met this lady who was furious over a guy that called her ugly and...

To Exist And Be Alive Makes You Worthy

They say your twenties are for self-discovery and exploration. I am 27 years old and the last 7 years have been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster ride. In my earlier years, I was...

The Superpowers We All Have

I remember when I was around eight or nine years old, I used to doodle encouraging messages to myself on my school notebooks. “You are really cool!” or “Kinga is amazing!” were my...

Supermoce, które wszyscy mamy

Pamiętam, że kiedy miałam osiem czy dziewięć lat w swoich szkolnych zeszytach często pisałam do siebie notatki. “Jesteś naprawdę fajna!” czy “Kinga jest...

We are all loved

After my parent’s divorce, I slowly sank into a trap. The trap of low self esteem. Following the event, my grandma came into the picture and became the caregiver of my sis and I. My...

Show the inner you – Star Power!

Girls on the Run is a great program for all girls. The lessons are fantastic and have taught me a lot. My favorite lesson is Star Power and how you imagine and create your star. It shows...


Once my grandmother passed away, my mother had to leave to country. I was given immense stress and I fell prey to whenever people called my ugly. I starved myself down to the weight I am...

I’m glad I experienced Epilepsy

My name is Sydney and I am almost 25. I have four sisters who are free from allergies and disabilities. I was born in the Philippines and named Sydney because my father got his visa when I...

My “I Can’t” Chorus

I am my biggest, “I can’t-er.” I do not remember a single instance in my life when someone told me I couldn’t do or achieve something. I do remember the dozens...