Self-Appreciation & Self-Love

My experience being hard of hearing

Growing up was hard for me. When a baby is born you don’t except something wrong with it but for me it was different. I was born hard of hearing and I hate it. You see hard of hearing...

Always almost there…

PRELUDE When everyday life is a struggle, keep going. When you fail, know that you can fail up well. When you fail, know that you can fail up well. When you fail, know that you...

It doesn’t matter what other people think

My name is Brooke and I am a recent college graduate from Texas A&M University. I have a Bachelors degree in Political Science and I am very passionate about politics. I am 22 years old...

ADHD sucks

Hi. I don’t like sharing my name or age, mostly because of my past, and how much people judge me. But I have mild ADHD, and I have to say, it sucks. You know how your thoughts are...

The Little Girl That Never Gave Up Hope

Growing up as a little girl I didn’t realize how special I was. At the age of seven, I was taken away from my biological parents and placed in foster care. I felt that was one of the...

Stories Have An Impact

VIDEO: Andrea Vazquez shares her experience of the positive impact on others of sharing her story in this brief conversation with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place.

You ARE NOT the disease you suffer from

I was born with a craniofacial disease called Stickler Syndrome, which I inherited from my mother . Oddly, my mother does not know where she got our commonly shared disease from. This...

I said no and I will keep saying no

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood rape and sexual assault. Its hard to write an introduction to this. I’ve waited...

Living the Truth

I didn’t grow up with the language young people have these days around gender and sexuality. I was 19 when I first met my first gay person and that encounter started me on a path to my...