Mental Health

My Journey to recovery

Hello everyone my name is Crystal, I am 17, and I was named BGC (Boys and Girls Club) YOY (Youth of the Year). My YOY journey so far has been life-changing. It has shown me who is there and...

Healing after a childhood of trauma

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual molestation. It is very difficult to describe my childhood as even thinking...

My Autism story

Hello my name is Grant, I was in 2004, I have experience bullying for my autism I hope that autism will eventually be more except as a whole. Also have currently going to therapy for my...

unspoken love

The unspoken love I’d like to think I experienced the feeling of love even with the bad traits behind it there was still a precious little heart happy. The tears, the arguments, the...

My biggest regret and worst nightmare

Hello ladies, Today I would like to share with you my biggest regret in life. I once dated someone for six years. He was my everything. My best friend, partner, my everything. I was so...

My Story.

Hi there My name is Emma, I’m a teenager living in New Zealand, and I’d like to share my story. Not for fame, or recognition, or sympathy, or anything like that. Purely to tell...

This Is Not The Last From Me

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual assault and rape. My story starts at 8 years old, although I’m not going to...