Men’s/Boy’s Stories

My dad and dark life

So hello I hope y’all having a good day. Today I’ll be sharing to you all about my life, it’s sad and dark and scary .”sighs” here I go , so when I was little I was popular with...

the near end for a new beging

i remeber it like it was yesterday i just turnd 15 and i was already wanting to give up but i stayed for the one i loved as i was fakeing a few smiles so people could enjoy my birthday and...

My reason to be?

my life ? well….what should i begin with!… let’s say!… I’m born with deformation of vertebral column. yet i always though i could live with as i saw myself...

A scared entrepreneur.

So hey everyone, I usually don’t share anything over the web. But I wanted to share this story because recently I have seen someone ending their life for this same reason. A bit about...

I dont wanna quit dreaming ????

Life is so beautiful thats what people say but trust me it is not Why life is so hard why cant we fulfil our dreams I was a guy who saw so many dreams in childhood who was very good with...

The Man Who Has Had Three Hearts!

After collapsing in my home one night and being rushed to the hospital at the age of six, doctors predicted that I would not live to see my seventh birthday. Thirty years later, and I am...


Learn to Appreciate Once upon a time, there was a man who was very helpful, kindhearted, and generous. He was a man who will help someone without asking anything to pay him back. He will...