Before , I start I’d like to give a trigger warning this story contains material that may be triggering to those with a history of eating disorders or self harm. There was this girl in...
My Fake Happiness
On my very first day at a private middle school, I was convinced that all 23 of the sixth graders attending there would be dignified, independant, and behaved. They were not. At my old...
I worked hard and defied the odds
Hi this is my story. when I was eight years old I hurt my hip really bad at the time we thought I was a pulled hip flexor so we just moved on with life. I was a gymnast I had fulls and...
Don’t Judge
I grew up in a good family. We weren’t rich, we weren’t poor. I had pretty good siblings. I was sheltered from alcohol, drugs, and smoking. I went to church, and almost everyone...
Me and my dyslexia
At the age of eight after a diagnosis i have been told i had a math dyslexia. At first, i didn’t really get what it means, but later, when i was about eleven, i started feeling like i...
The Story Of Tessa Puma
Hello my name is Tina Puma. I am the mother of a little girl named Tessa Puma. I would like to tell you the story of Tessa in hopes you would be interested in her story. She is such an...
Lift Someone Up
I have been in Girls On The Run for a year and there are many different things I like about Girls On The Run. Also there are very important things I like about Girls On The Run, they are my...
Lights! Camera! Action!
My most memorable moment from Girls On The Run is when I was interviewed. It was a normal day we talked about the lesson and did the activite. Then we went to the track to run. After...
Meeting Me Where I Am
Girls on the Run is the best after school program ever! I love Girls on the Run because you get to make new friends and get along with other girls that you never met. You don’t know...
Be Respectful
Why is girls on the Run so much fun? Girls on the Run is so much fun because while you are participating in it you are making friends, encouraging others, learning lessons, and trying to...