Last year in September, I experienced a very hard trial with anxiety and depression. Honestly, that had been my story for a very long time but I never acknowledged it because I always...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
Tell Her She Can Run
At the age of 9, my daughter was beautiful and bubbly, intelligent and funny. Always tall for her age, she possessed a body built for strength and she was using that strength to become a...
She Had It In Her All Along
I often believe that the best way to celebrate someone’s birthday is to focus on the impact they have made on the universe. Today, I want to celebrate and say Happy Birthday to Girls on...
Your Personal Triumphs
VIDEO: Share YOUR personal triumphs on the path to empowerment, and remind other women and girls that they are not alone.
Finding me
As a young woman I struggled with who I was. Not because I did not like who I was but because I had so many interests & wanted to be so many things I could not say “No”. In...
I am inspired!
They use inspiring words. I feel more confident about my dreams. They told me not to be afraid to be ME. They told me that I can do ANYTHING. I encourage myself and everyone around me. It...
I aspire to inspire…
For me, being successful and reaching my potential involves helping others be successful and realize their potential. I truly believe that my purpose on this Earth is to help others...
Fight Like A Girl
For years, I suffered silently with depression and anxiety. I was ashamed and embarrassed. Ten years ago, I reached a breaking point and I reached out for help. Over the years, my battle...
Why I run
Growing up I never thought of myself as sporty or athletic– that was my sister. She was coordinated, aggressive and an all-star athlete like my dad. I considered myself to be...
Learning Not to Quit
I posted a video last night of an overexuberant set of coaches cheering on a girl for finishing a practice 5K in our Girls on the Run program. I am sure that some of you shook your heads...