My name is DosumuFlexxy, I survived TB. It was really a time and period of pain but indeed I survived it. My story is to inspire a heart that gives up quickly. There is nothing impossible...
Claiming Your Power
The Courage to Leave An Abusive Relationship
“A woman in an abusive relationship tries six or seven times to leave before she is successful.” This is the statistic the DSHS caseworker gave me as I sat in front of her, hiding...
I Need to Walk My Path
I was in San Diego, last week. A piece of heaven. Walked to Balboa Park. Walked along the water front. Stopped outside a store to look for a hummingbird I saw, in my peripheral vision. Sat...
When Weakness Becomes Strength
I had always been a quiet child, enjoying nature, keeping to myself – and being overlooked by others. Many times the feeling of being different from others overcame me, in groups I often...
Nisha Varghese: Unbreakable Spirit
You see the girl in the wheelchair, and you think, “Oh, poor thing. She’s disabled. Life must be so hard for her.” You walk right up to her, and then turn around and ask the person...
Sabiendo Que Mi Voz Debería ser Escuchada
Alrededor de hace algo así como un mes, estuve extremadamente sorprendida por una orden de la Corte presentada en contra mía por parte de mi ex-esposo. Sin yo tener conocimiento, él...
Sliding Doors: un nuovo mondo
La vita è sempre sorprendente e anche se sai che è così, si rimane sempre sbalorditi dal flusso degli avvenimenti. Ad un certo punto della mia vita, come molte altre donne, ho incontrato...
A Girl from Sinking Bottom
Early in my childhood, my parents separated and eventually got divorced. My sister and I went to live with our grandmother in rural Jamaica. We lived in a farming community called James...
Building Support and Trust Through Volunteering
When I was 15 years old, I joined Youth for Youth, a Romanian non-governmental organization working on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). I became a volunteer and a...
You are the change
As a girl growing up in Kenya, a patriarchal society with a strong cultural heritage, I knew from the onset that achieving my goals was not going to be a walk in the park. Most of the time...