Bullying / Cyber Bullying

My tragic then beautiful story

Hi I guess my tragic story began my first year of intermediate I guess you could have called me nieve, loud and annoyin. I had no friends for a long time until I got peared with a girl...

Show the inner you – Star Power!

Girls on the Run is a great program for all girls. The lessons are fantastic and have taught me a lot. My favorite lesson is Star Power and how you imagine and create your star. It shows...

My bully story

Hi.. I have been looking for places that can help me to share my story, I am so glad I came across this website… Well any ways this is my story. Hi my name is Shannon, I suffer from...


Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains details of childhood attempted suicide. Hello, my name is C I am 13 years old currently (mom approved to share) I...


My name is Summer and i’ve been depressed ever since I can remember. My mom and dad split up when I was a baby. I lived with my mom and my older brother lived with our dad and our...

Changing lives – one girl at a time!

Jaden was born the oldest child in a home of domestic violence. She lived in the home until just before her 4th birthday. Both of her younger sisters had life threatening injuries. Finally...

The girl with the most cake

This is pretty long but this all needs to be said: I’m a black sheep. And I really mean that, too. I’m a black sheep. I was born in April 1993 in Ventura, California, not too...