
Every woman and every girl inspires us. We are deeply grateful to those who have shared their stories about breakthroughs in their lives, the ways in which they have overcome fears, beliefs, or events that once kept them from connecting with their inner strength and recognizing their amazingness. Some of these stories are stories of pain and how a women or girl triumphed over it. As you read these stories, rather than focusing on the pain, choose to focus instead on the triumph and the ways that others have overcome what may once have seemed impossible to overcome. Let's celebrate their triumphs!

One Match Can Light up the Entire Forest

I have always been very quiet, even when others hurt me or treat me unfairly, I would simply die quietly with the pain…shed some tears or stay away in isolation. (Actually my culture encourages people especially girls to respond like...

Growth is a necessary and BEAUTIFUL thing

I am sharing with you a post from my Facebook page from Tuesday, March 27, 2018. In fitness, Tuesday’s are known as Transformation Tuesday. It’s been a lifelong journey for me and I finally decided it was time to share it. RAW...

I just felt the need to share my progress...

This is the first time I’ve ever written my story down in words, so here goes nothing. I’m 17 years old, and I have struggled with eating disorders, abuse, alcoholism, anxiety, and (undiagnosed) bipolar disorder. When I was little, life was...

My American Angel

My name is Fadumo Ali I live in Minnesota when i moved to United states i met friend that i Los 2010 because of cancer she was my American Angel she helped me to improve my life and rice my little boy she was the shoulder that i can cry when i...

Will Eve-Teasers ever Rule the World?

CAT-CALLING / WOLF-WHISTLING / EVE-TEASING FACED BY A TEACHER. I, Xavier Siby Moorkattil, a sincere student from Second Year(B-Section) of Academic Year 2017-2018, S.P.N. No. 1603179 studying Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications...

“In between”…

I have always struggled with messages about national, racial or gender identity.. even when it comes to trivial messages like “eat French”, “buy iron from our American companies” or the question “What does your...

My “I Can’t” Chorus

I am my biggest, “I can’t-er.” I do not remember a single instance in my life when someone told me I couldn’t do or achieve something. I do remember the dozens – no, thousands – of times I “I...

“Midwifery profession is a noble...

VIDEO: Sake Jemelia Beda tells her story of becoming a midwife and of her decision to try to resuscitate a newborn baby whom others believed was dead.

Start of a life

My life right now is like hell with the thoughts of suicide. Every day, I feel like an empty guy … I’m having a really difficult life situation today, March 24, 2018.I have thoughts that can not be described. I ask myself every day...


Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains details of childhood attempted suicide. Hello, my name is C I am 13 years old currently (mom approved to share) I go trough sever depression and anxiety everyday wether...