Hello, my name is Mercy. I had low self esteem growing up and not doing well in my school work and this also let me not to be exposed in so may areas. Today my story is to inspire young...
Stories submitted by women under 30…
My Journey as a Young Women in STEM | Climbing the...
Hi! I’m Riya, a 17 year old lifelong learner, tech enthusiast and innovator. I started off being a student researcher under the Hospital for Sick Children, where I was exploring different...
You really have only you as your best friend
I went from A good life to a life I never thought I’d ever go through, and let me tell you,it was the most scariest thing ever I had to go through in my life. Its something I would...
My sadness & confuse
First, i’m sorry if i made a mistake about my english. I am a female. I have doubt about continue my relationship with my boyfriend. Now I have known him about 15 years, he is my...
Don’t Give Up, because I care!
I learn to finally love my flaws and myself at the age of 28, but before I could I had to give up on people and things that couldn’t stay the same. I grew up in a strict household...
Ray of Sunrain
Ever since I was a little one, I would always tell my grandparents that “When I grow up, I would be the one who will give your consutations: for free!”. Then my grandma would...
Partear la vida toda
Soy Natalia, tengo 26 años, me formé como Licenciada en obstetricia en las provincias de Tucumán y Entre Ríos, Argentina, me considero feminista , activista por los derechos de las...
Without suck there cannot be growth
Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a pilot. Growing up just 20 minutes away from Frankfurt Airport I would spend hours watching the aircraft doing their holding patterns over our...
Empowering women in every aspect
I am a drummer from Iraq. Playing music or doing any music activity professionally as an Iraqi is a dangerous thing to do. Some people had their lives threatened for teaching music or being...
The day I lost my mom
I am Cherilyn Riveral, I just want to share my story. I just want to let this out. I was 8 when my mom died, my sister was 12 and my older brother was 10. It was a day before the New...