Speaking Your Truth

Since I was born till present

Hello im rishie …and here is my story starts since I was born till present … I was born at 2nd April and my family got me ,when I was born my family get some changes coz they...

“Stories are tools of transformation”

VIDEO: Kristen Ali Eglinton, PhD, is the Executive Director and Co-founder of Footage, a nonprofit organization “raising voices to elevate lives through creative research, media arts, and...

“The wounded recognized the wounded”

At the age of 11 your dreams were snatched away from you. The key people in your life rejected you for telling the truth about your abuse, but you are not alone. Your Childhood which should...

My Story

My Story… by Kaylee McCormick Like any relationship there are ups and downs and although the downs were terrible, I always tried to hold onto the positives. I held onto these positives...

My sexual assault stories

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual assault. I’m not gonna include any names or in depth detail because I am...

Life goes on

Hello, My name is Nawaf and I’m from Iraq. The story starts with me going shopping with my family back when I was just 12 years old. I remember asking my parents if I could grab some...

Mistreatment and abuse in childbirth

My experience with child birth consists of mistreatment, abuse, physiological torture and poor suturing. I remember my labour pain started very early in the morning at around 5am, I had my...

Valuable Lessons

I first heard about Girls on the Run at an event for individuals with disabilities. I attended the fair as a vendor and loved the inclusivity that GOTR stood for. In talking with the GOTR...

I need to speak up

The first season I coached GOTR – I had only been home for a few years after a bad divorce. Curriculum 1 (this was fall 2012) was so amazing for me that year. I learned so many...