Overcoming Adversity

I overcame and so can you!!!

Who am I? To tell you my life story would take a life time. Writing a book just won’t do!!! So where do I start??? I am fearfully and wonderfully made for one. I have faith that stands...

Violated at a bar

I have made a video for a friend into a video for you to share here. She wishes to remain anonymous.

My Story

Know That I wrote this because if I keep bottling everything inside me I’ll burst. So I guess this is a rant that is somewhat depressing. But I’d rather let it out with the hope that I...

Stephanie’s autoimmune diseases!

Hello my name is Stephanie I’m an autoimmune disease fighter and i wanted to share my story because it’s been a journey for me to have multiple autoimmune diseases and take so many...

H.O.P.E- Hold On Pain Ends

I was just 13 years old and in the seventh grade when I had my first panic attack. It was crippling and terrifying. I could barely breath, I was hyperventilating, and I was sweating all...

Room of Ashes

I can detect the scent all the time. The apartment stinks. The building stinks anyway – apartment blocks usually do. But our apartment is where I can smell that pungent, bitter smell...

My worst fear is becoming like my parents

Well, it all started when I was around 7. Both my parents are alcoholics and they started drinking. I didn’t fully understand what was going on, I was 7 years old. I remember going...

My healing journey.

I am going to tell you my full story. There’s several people who know different chapters of this, but not a single soul that’s ever known the whole thing. Why am I doing this...

The Power of Adversity, Grit and Intuition

Have you ever sat wondering, “how did I become this way?” Whether “this way” has a positive or negative emotion attached to it, it’s interesting to try and dig deep to make sense...