After high school, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I was really lost. I knew I wanted to make something of myself. My dad was in the Navy and I knew I wanted to make a...
sexual assault.
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains references to childhood sexual assault and descriptions of self-harm. i just want someone to know, someone random...
Generational Curse
My story starts at 15. I had started having sex with my then boyfriend of a year and thought I was pregnant. I told my mother and she insisted I have an abortion. Some how that effect, hit...
I don’t know who will read this but right now all I want to do is lay down my feelings just like in a diary. It’s sad to say that my family is broken although my parents are not...
My journey was good when my mom was alive so, my mom past away in 2009 when I was 16years old. my mom past away and my mom family never love her, When she died they buried her. When they...
A short snip of my childhood.
My parents separated when I was 3, I never really had the time to think about what happened it was really just my life. My mum moved across the country to the point where we only had 1 week...
Encouragement for parents who have lost a child.
Now for those who have lost children. I know it’s the hardest time in any parents life. I myself have lost a child. I was 16 when I had my first baby. I ended up back with my...
My family is asking me to get married
I am a 28 year old woman and I would like to share an incredible story. My family is asking me to get married, till now I didn’t got a good alliance and my biological father told me...
Hope for addicts who feel they are alone.
I am a 40 year old female. I got on here today to share my story of addiction in hopes that it will help someone. I was introduced to Crack cocaine at the age of 17. My sister introduced...
Blooming and Becoming through Mentorship
I believe I am one person who was born lucky, and this is because of all the support system I have had growing up. Having five siblings meant I had play buddies all through, I had study...