Where do I begin…No one really understands what you go through in life. Why you become the person you become. No one understands the sacrifices you’ve made. No one understands the...
My Journey after Covid-19
Recently I caught with a viral infection and my upper and lower limbs stopped feeling. It was really a tough time. I had to be shifted between home and hospital. I am in recovery mode...
Scared to sleep
April 16, 2020 I’m scared of night time. I’m scared of sleep. I have a lot of sleepless nights, palpitations in the middle of the night, panic attack, nervousness. My mind is killing...
Hello God, it’s me…
April 12, 2020 I admit. I am LOST. I was just asked by son if when will his baby sister be coming back here from heaven. It’s so hard to find the right words to say to him, because I know...
From Abuse to Successful & Free
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual abuse. In a world where mental toughness is much needed right now, I would love...
choose you
I’ve never knew how deep one scar could go in ruining one’s life as a whole, forgiveness is not as easy as the word says forgive no matter how much you love and believe in God...
as a kid i was all the time sick i had surgiries everytime my parents lose hope saying that i’m gonna ended up dead allah gives me bearth again saying girl it’s not your time...
Change can be made
I have a powerful message about what’s wrong with our lives. I want to send anonymously. I chose to send this to you because of your platform and the influence you have on people. Please...
Sunlight for a Rainbow
Hi Angels, I am a mother of 3 just wanting to share my hope that you can truly believe you CAN DO ANYTHING! I grew up so incredibly sickly and was told by my family over and over again how...
How God came to rescue from the powers of darkness.
was certainly contending. It all started when a lady, a daughter to my father’s friend started living with my family. Known to my parents, she was hepatitis B positive, and my parents...