Experiencing Homelessness

My childhood sexual abuse story.

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains references to childhood rape and other experiences of sexual assault. I was 9 and homeless, living in a farmhouse...

im not dead.

It is a story that can only be told in its entirety, I have tried other methods and there is always something missing. This is my first attempt at documenting my life story, please...

`Cleveland To Tampa

It all started when I was born, not that I’d remember when I was born. I barely remember yesterday. I definitely don’t remember most of my childhood. The bits and pieces I do...

The Silent Torture

From a home that acted differently behind closed doors, from a, mom who hated me from birth, to man who was allowed in our home and allowed to rape me,to a mean teacher, to a pastor who...

Finding my birth mother

Being adopted didn’t give me a better life, but it changed the route of my life journey and I’d like to share a little bit about that with all of you this evening. One day when I was 8...

I do belong and I will be successful

I’m not really sure where to start, but I’ve had the need to open up and share what I’ve been through maybe to possibly help younger teens and younger kids having a difficult time or...

how to move on.

I grew up in a middle-class family outside of town about 15 mins it wasn’t too far out of town in case you needed something but far enough away that it was quiet. So, growing up out in...

Restored, Renewed, Reborn

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains references to rape, including childhood rape. we are just trying to make it in life and are out of ideas. We need...