I first uncovered the inequalities and challenges that girls face at a very young age. When I was a girl, I loved basketball. It made me feel free, fast, strong, and in control of my own...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
The Voice of a Survivor
During the three decades I have lived as a woman, I have experienced, felt, and witnessed many discriminatory practices, especially harmful traditional practices such as female genital...
Building Intergenerational Bridges
I started my work as a volunteer and I still volunteer. Late at night, in the weekends, travelling in and out of my city alone for 10 hours for both work and volunteer work, sometimes I get...
Simply Because It Is Yours
For the last eight years I’ve been working on HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Mexico but also globally, and I really feel that I have one of the most beautiful...
Destigmatizing Menstruation in Swaziland
I am inspired in the hope of destigmatizing menstruation and be period positive. It was one of the days whereby you feel that everything is against you. As a mother of two boys and a girl I...