A go-getter girl is on a mission to write one of the greatest stories ever written. She makes life happen for herself, and does not let life happen to her. To be honest with you, I have...
Encouraging/Empowering Others
Catherine Constantinides – A Superhero Without A Cape
Catherine Constantinides’s list of achievements and accolades is long enough to fill pages of books yet to be written by her and about her. Who starts their first business at the age of...
Waking up to your dreams
My name is DosumuFlexxy, I survived TB. It was really a time and period of pain but indeed I survived it. My story is to inspire a heart that gives up quickly. There is nothing impossible...
Sliding Doors: un nuovo mondo
La vita è sempre sorprendente e anche se sai che è così, si rimane sempre sbalorditi dal flusso degli avvenimenti. Ad un certo punto della mia vita, come molte altre donne, ho incontrato...
Madame Secretary General From the Slum
A few days ago, I was asked again a question I receive quite often, “How did you grow up so differently from the ghettos where you were raised?” My answer has always been simple, the...
Awareness is key for prevention
Don’t ever give up, demand answers from your doctor, question the root cause of your illness, find another doctor if your gut is questioning your current one, become your own health...
The Adolescent Girl Puzzle
In my community, being a girl is like putting together a really difficult puzzle. Being a girl can often mean that the different pieces of you don’t quite fit together. You should not be...
A Girl from Sinking Bottom
Early in my childhood, my parents separated and eventually got divorced. My sister and I went to live with our grandmother in rural Jamaica. We lived in a farming community called James...
Building Support and Trust Through Volunteering
When I was 15 years old, I joined Youth for Youth, a Romanian non-governmental organization working on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). I became a volunteer and a...
You are the change
As a girl growing up in Kenya, a patriarchal society with a strong cultural heritage, I knew from the onset that achieving my goals was not going to be a walk in the park. Most of the time...