
From Abuse to Successful & Free

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual abuse. In a world where mental toughness is much needed right now, I would love...

My sexual assault stories

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual assault. I’m not gonna include any names or in depth detail because I am...

I need to speak up

The first season I coached GOTR – I had only been home for a few years after a bad divorce. Curriculum 1 (this was fall 2012) was so amazing for me that year. I learned so many...


Unfortunately, I have been through a lot. Those who I thought were my friends and family were apathetic. Perhaps getting this “out there” in some way will help me and others. MY...

Life on Brentmoor Ct pt. 1/4

This is a true story. Most of the names have been altered for personal reasons, but the story remains the same. It is a sad story, but not without hope; a redemptive story. My story. Once...

A Story of Recovery

Telling my story might help me heal and maybe help someone else in the process. We read other people’s stories all the time. This is just mine. I don’t like to tell my story because...

Healing is hard but not impossible.

I met Fernandez at a friend’s party when I was twenty. I was a late bloomer and had never dated before. I had spent more time on academic pursuits than boys during my teenage years. ...

God has blessed me

Hello my name is Evangelist Stephanie Florence and God has blessed me to start a women ministry and it Chat And Chew Reaching Hurting Women Ministry. God place this on my heart on Nov.28th...

El recuento matemático de mi vida

Gracias a las redes sociales hace un par de años me reencontré virtualmente con una amiga de mi adolescencia con quien había perdido contacto por casi 3 décadas. La alegría y la...

The Mathematical Count of my Life

A couple of years ago, thanks to social media, I was able to meet with a friend from my adolescence with whom I lost contact for the last three decades. The happiness and curiosity were...