To whom it may concern, I hope you are well and having a good start to the new year. This year I have made it my mission to share my story and to hopefully use the hardship I have faced in...
Claiming Your Power
Accepting myself as I am – Story of someone with...
I wanted to share with you my story which is how I dealt with vitilgo and the stigma around it. When I was about 7 years I got this condition which is known as vitilgo. It is an auto immune...
I am a survivor of domestic violence.
I am a survivor of domestic violence. My story started in 2019 on my 30th birthday. I was at a local pub celebrating with friends, I met a guy, and by the following week we met up. I was a...
Little Me
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood rape and sexual abuse. Little Me Hello, little one. It’s me; the bigger you. We live...
Be the change you want to be!
Belonging to a city that is not visible on map, yet famous because it’s near Varanasi has always been a problem for me for not being recognized by work. I’m a teen changemaker who...
My many miracles
Carina Imbrogno is a disabled self taught award winning inspirational artist who began her art at the age of 40. She is a walking miracle who has defeated death many times. She suffers...
How i am a fixer in progress and why i don’t...
How I am a fixer in progress and why I don’t feel bad about it and why you shouldn’t either I believe part of me will always be to some extent a fixer. I am not for other people...
Blooming and Becoming through Mentorship
I believe I am one person who was born lucky, and this is because of all the support system I have had growing up. Having five siblings meant I had play buddies all through, I had study...
From English literature to Robotics
Growing up I wanted to be an engineer, but was told that it work reserved for men. I wanted to be in the army but my entire family opposed this dream. I thought I could be a journalist but...
Learning myself
I ďesided the only way to get my story to the world is the worst possible time in my life. I had to write an essay for my a class of mine and they want to know if I thought I had a gift...