Claiming Your Power

My “I Can’t” Chorus

I am my biggest, “I can’t-er.” I do not remember a single instance in my life when someone told me I couldn’t do or achieve something. I do remember the dozens...

Start of a life

My life right now is like hell with the thoughts of suicide. Every day, I feel like an empty guy … I’m having a really difficult life situation today, March 24, 2018.I have...

My story

Growing up was not always easy. From an early age (4) I had to fight battles never intended for a child. I never knew my father,my mother was married 14 times, relocating every 3 months. At...

If You Think You Can’t, Think Again

I would love to share my story of how I came to playing musical instruments at 60 years of age!!! I would love to hear your stories of things you went after and achieved against all odds...