Claiming Your Power

Me as 11 years old and transgender

I am transgender and 11 years old sooo it’s kinda rough people would bully me everything to break me even my OWN family ignores me but my friends support me soon I fell into...

My Fake Happiness

On my very first day at a private middle school, I was convinced that all 23 of the sixth graders attending there would be dignified, independant, and behaved. They were not. At my old...


I was in 1st year and I had just gotten my 1st boyfriend. I really loved him but after a few months of dating he changed, in a bad way. He started to become more fierce and angry towards me...

Love and Empowerment

I once thought that it was major life decisions that determined whether we are empowered or not – deciding to stand up for ourselves when our voice is not being heard, or to leave an...

I grew up to be an amazing young woman

Since a young age, I bowed down to the expectations of how others viewed me. After so long of listening to other people predict your life, you begin to believe it, too. For the first twelve...

Una historia personal de auto realización

Abro mi portátil. Encuentro muchos documentos que siguen desatendidos. Cada documento tiene parte de un artículo que quedo medio horneado. Cada uno corresponde a los pensamientos que...

Believing in myself

My father raped me before I started school. I did not remember until very recently, in my early adulthood. I have always remembered only his brother molesting me when I was in middle...

Extraordinary Transformation

Like so many other women, I am a survivor. From the ashes of incest, abuse and neglect arose a passion to help others create extraordinary lives. At age 12, I was abandoned with my younger...

Me and my dyslexia

At the age of eight after a diagnosis i have been told i had a math dyslexia. At first, i didn’t really get what it means, but later, when i was about eleven, i started feeling like i...