Claiming Your Power

In Bloom Not Broken – Mental Health

I have suffered with mental illness for most of my life starting with self harm and depression at the age of 14 which then led to anorexia in my 20’s and later being diagnosed with...

I am a whole!

For many years I had the mentality that I was not intelligent or smart enough for anything. I did not even know what course I wanted to do after high school. I was so good in singing...

Learning to love myself

Growing up I watched my mom deal with low self-esteem issues and I believe because of that, she didn’t teach me to love myself. I don’t blame her or resent her for it because my...

Los Momentos Que Nos Definen

Vivimos nuestras vidas de momento a momento, de respiración a respiración. A veces, aguantamos nuestra respiración para que el momento dure, pero otras veces, cerramos los ojos y...

I am not the child called it

I am a survivor. I was beaten by my mom’s husband for years. He was a nasty drunk. We feared weekends they were worse. Whatever he grabbed we were hit with and my mother was no...

social isolation.

This story I am about to share is something that I have dealt with for the past 3 months, (at least.) What I am about to share has torn me down left and right, but I have finally realized...

Some Girls Don’t Fit In

Some girls are not meant to fit in. This has always been the story of my life. As a child, I never dreamed of weddings. I didn’t give in to peer pressure. Pink was never my favorite...

Dust Yourself Off

Growing up, I was always told that as long as I tried my best my grades didn’t have to be perfect. My parents didn’t push me to be perfect, just to strive for My best. School...

Fight Like A Girl

For years, I suffered silently with depression and anxiety. I was ashamed and embarrassed. Ten years ago, I reached a breaking point and I reached out for help. Over the years, my battle...