Accepting Help

My Way To Say Anxiety ‘Bye’

Everyone knows that oneday everything will be fine no matters what happened and I just thought that why the people cant handle there situation. it is easy for everyone to get rid of any...

My American Angel

My name is Fadumo Ali I live in Minnesota when i moved to United states i met friend that i Los 2010 because of cancer she was my American Angel she helped me to improve my life and rice my...

My “I Can’t” Chorus

I am my biggest, “I can’t-er.” I do not remember a single instance in my life when someone told me I couldn’t do or achieve something. I do remember the dozens...


Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains details of childhood attempted suicide. Hello, my name is C I am 13 years old currently (mom approved to share) I...

From Cancer to Pregnancy

I certainly did not know when my husband and I got married in September 2016 that our lives, and marriage, would so quickly change. Just a little after we celebrated 2 months of marriage, I...

Welcoming sadness

I am an adult child of a narcissistic mother. I was raised in a family that didn’t accept separateness or validate me as an individual. As a result, I’ve struggled to find my...

Learning To Say Yes

There have been many moments in my life when I realized my inner strength because of the emotional struggles I’ve dealt with, but the one that has most recently had the biggest impact...