Claiming Your Power


To All women Being a woman can be hard when it comes to being a mom, wife, daughter, sister, etc. Yes, it might be hard but just as that we are strong, powerful, smart, important, we are...


I am Aysha Sanober 36 years old accidental entrepreneur in the footwear manufacturing industry of Ambur.,a town famously known for its briyani & its leather in the state of Tamilnadu...

My Story

My life was doomed from the beginning. My parents dropped out of school 2 weeks before they graduated ran off and started having kids. It just so happened I was the second. Right then was...


My story before being more butterfly: I always come back to the same story in my life. When I was very young at primary school I started getting bullied by the girls in my class. They would...

You are you.

You know, I don’t know why I am sitting here in the middle of my math class reading all these stories about people, what they’ve suffered and what they’ve gone through and...

I believe in myself

I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m going through major changes again. One thing I’ve learned about myself is that I’ve never been good with change, even if...

Rebirth of a Queen

Telling my story will remain the most powerful tool I possess on earth, my story starts in the year 2020. In March 2020, I received a call of a woman crying on the other side of the call...