It doesn’t matter what other people think

Dedication: My family

My name is Brooke and I am a recent college graduate from Texas A&M University. I have a Bachelors degree in Political Science and I am very passionate about politics. I am 22 years old and I love being active outside. My hobbies consist of running, shopping, writing, photography, drawing, and hanging out with friends / family!
Throughout my life I have struggled with many many many insecurities.
The two main things about myself that I have always struggled with are body image and feeling like I’m not good enough. When I was younger I had spinal back fusion for my scoliosis and I remember getting made fun of in school for that a lot. I also have epilepsy, and I remember being teased about that in school as well. Over the years I began to feel stupid even after getting into 2 amazing Universities. Because of my past, I pushed myself really hard in college to become the best version of myself, and get done as fast as I could. I have always been really hard on myself, especially when it comes to my weight and how smart I portray myself as infant of others. For the past 5 months (since college graduation in May), I have had a lot of spare time. I am an over thinker and I have struggled a lot with finding my purpose in life. I want to share some things I have learned and incorporated over this time period into my life.
First off, some things that have helped me during this time in my life are reading books, logging my thoughts down in a journal, logging my calories, making my bed every morning, setting a goal for each day, working out, and watching youtube videos! Each of these things make me feel like I have a purpose and they are simple to incorporate into your life if you just try hard. However, I want to note that the most important goal in life is that you are happy with your situation and who you are!
It doesn’t matter what other people think, and realizing that was one of the hardest lessons for me in my life so far.
In our society today, I think it is very hard for most young woman to feel comfortable in their own skin. My advice to you is to take a social media detox and focus on yourself. Take deep breaths, go outside, take a walk, and put yourself out of your comfort zone!
I didn’t want to make this story too long, but I genuinely hope that this post brings comfort and helps whoever is reading this.
Life is way to short, so do whatever you want and enjoy every second. Im glad I am realizing this now at age 22, rather than age 50.

Much Love,

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My name is Brooke and I am a recent college graduate from Texas A&M University. I have a Bachelors degree in Political Science and I am very passionate about politics. I am 22 years old and I love being active outside. My hobbies consist of running, shopping, writing, photography, drawing, and hanging out with friends / family! I have a pug named Dexter after the Netflix show :) please feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to! My email: