
Every woman and every girl inspires us. We are deeply grateful to those who have shared their stories about breakthroughs in their lives, the ways in which they have overcome fears, beliefs, or events that once kept them from connecting with their inner strength and recognizing their amazingness. Some of these stories are stories of pain and how a women or girl triumphed over it. As you read these stories, rather than focusing on the pain, choose to focus instead on the triumph and the ways that others have overcome what may once have seemed impossible to overcome. Let's celebrate their triumphs!

`Cleveland To Tampa

It all started when I was born, not that I’d remember when I was born. I barely remember yesterday. I definitely don’t remember most of my childhood. The bits and pieces I do remember I almost wish I didn’t. You know those...

Mental health services need to stop failing...

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains a reference to childhood sexual abuse. I am sending this email as I want to raise awareness about the mental health services and how they are significantly failling...

the breakup

hi, i wont be putting my real name so you guys can just call me shine. well my story begins when my best friend currently just someone that i say hi to in the hallway became friends with this guy, and after some time talking they ended up...

Reflecting on the Seasons of my Life

I have always had a weird way of thinking. I am sure there are people out there in this big world that can relate. Actually, let me be more specific and label myself-as society would do, “Introvert”. Lol, I guess it is my personality...

Unexpected dream

Am a young woman who grew up with separated parents, my mother got married to different men. all my dreams shattered. I had to stay with different relatives just to keep my father from taking me back. I develop low self esteem face several...

Missing my dad

My dad was my hero. He was my rock. He was always there for me. He was cheering me on at every skating, basketball, and soccer event that I had. When I was serving in Iraq, he helped me get through it. He sent me care packages. When I needed a...

Behind Closed Doors

Note: This is a true story written by a 32-year-old from the perspective of her 5-year-old self– I turned out ok, despite everything. I share this story as a reminder to abused women everywhere don’t stay for your children witnessing abuse...

Channelling trauma into LGBTQ+ Community...

I grew up in an extreme catholic military family with a Chinese father and an American mother. I spent my entire life in the closet, My whole life i was subjected to hearing the trans and homophobic comments passed at the dinner table on how...

Where is my Life?

Where is my life: In everybody thinking their life’s about how to reach but my life is different because where I am going or where I am start its all failure that is my life. Finally I dropped my goal I don’t know why? Everybody life’s is...

Story of KAMMO-as told in person

The Social theme: Consequences of Vanishing Girls due to Female Feticide! Story of KAMMO- a girl from Indo-Nepal border – and her traverse in life! Getting trafficked, sold for marriage, with a rich man from...