
“This is who I am”

Many a times women refer to other women as their own enemies, the thing is we focus a lot on the negative and forget about the positive and amazing things women can do for each other. There...

“We walk side by side” 

VIDEO: Mitra Kadarsih discusses the diversity of Indonesia, and how midwifery embodies inclusive, non-judgmental, women-centered care that empowers women.

Star Power

Star Power Being a Girl on the Run is so much fun Because we learn and dream and live and run When I am having a bad day, I look up and say, “My star power is covered. There are clouds in...

The Sisterhood of Cancer Survivors

“I’m afraid I don’t have good news for you,” my friend said. She is also my gynecologist. I could hear the shock in her voice. This was not the outcome she had...

The Voice of a Survivor

During the three decades I have lived as a woman, I have experienced, felt, and witnessed many discriminatory practices, especially harmful traditional practices such as female genital...

Building Intergenerational Bridges

I started my work as a volunteer and I still volunteer. Late at night, in the weekends, travelling in and out of my city alone for 10 hours for both work and volunteer work, sometimes I get...

Destigmatizing Menstruation in Swaziland

I am inspired in the hope of destigmatizing menstruation and be period positive. It was one of the days whereby you feel that everything is against you. As a mother of two boys and a girl I...

Christine’s Courage

My story is actually a story about a woman I met in Madagascar last fall – her name is Christine. She and I met while I was on a visit to an organization who I support via my role as...