
My Rocky Road to Heaven

A struggle to enlightenment When a child is violated by other humans, healing may take several lifetimes. Foreword Spirituality is our very individual and personal development. Most people...

Authenticity and Its Insecurities

I have been painting my clothes for several years now. It started with painting shoes, than T-shirts, and dresses. My needs for authenticity, contribution, being seen, and self-expression...

Living as a Undocumented Teen

There is a lot of teenagers and people that are undocumented and who have low self-esteem and…with guys for the wrong reason. So, I think [other young women] will be like...

The strongest person I know

When they asked me, who is the strongest person I know? I replied, it’s me…i am the strongest person I know, I have been through things no one knows and I still laugh and be...

Daily Affirmations

I bless the day I learnt about daily affirmations or rather Mantas. Growing up I was a very quite child with a low self-esteem and self-confidence. I stuggled to stand up for myself,be it...

El recuento matemático de mi vida

Gracias a las redes sociales hace un par de años me reencontré virtualmente con una amiga de mi adolescencia con quien había perdido contacto por casi 3 décadas. La alegría y la...

The Mathematical Count of my Life

A couple of years ago, thanks to social media, I was able to meet with a friend from my adolescence with whom I lost contact for the last three decades. The happiness and curiosity were...

Courageous Self-Love

PODCAST: #ThePowerOfYourStory Podcast is an interview series with women from around the world, a collaboration between Girls’ Globe and In this episode, In this episode...