Sampler of Stories

A rotating collection of past stories…

“Entre Deux” …

J’ai toujours eu du mal avec les messages sur l’identité nationale, raciale ou de genre.. même quand il s’agit de message aussi triviaux que “mangez...


I was born with a disease that leaves most kids unable to walk, unable to stand. I am very lucky. I was able to walk and to run, almost like any other child, almost. Growing up my biggest...


I remember a moment when I was 19 having an experience in the wild, in nature, in which I celebrated myself and stepped across a threshold in which I could love myself for who I was...

Scars Are Tattoos with Better Stories

My life began with scars. My house burned to the ground when I was 3 years old, with me in it. My life is a gift. When I began school, I learned that people could be cruel. At 13, when I...

The Sisterhood of Cancer Survivors

“I’m afraid I don’t have good news for you,” my friend said. She is also my gynecologist. I could hear the shock in her voice. This was not the outcome she had...