Sampler of Stories

A rotating collection of past stories…

The Gifts

I’m a grandmother now, and I have a story to tell. It is time to “say it forward”. Childhood is meant for innocent and happy times, but after age four mine was painful. There were...

“We walk side by side” 

VIDEO: Mitra Kadarsih discusses the diversity of Indonesia, and how midwifery embodies inclusive, non-judgmental, women-centered care that empowers women.

Spread love.

So..uhm…i’m an 18 years old girl, born and raised in Italy and currently living here, but…i’m muslim… Today i was getting some games from the car for kids to...

“Entre Deux” …

J’ai toujours eu du mal avec les messages sur l’identité nationale, raciale ou de genre.. même quand il s’agit de message aussi triviaux que “mangez...


I was born with a disease that leaves most kids unable to walk, unable to stand. I am very lucky. I was able to walk and to run, almost like any other child, almost. Growing up my biggest...


I remember a moment when I was 19 having an experience in the wild, in nature, in which I celebrated myself and stepped across a threshold in which I could love myself for who I was...