Living Your Dream

The Journey of CA Student

CA – Pass The Real Story Positivity and struggle – If you have made these two your companinons, then success is always a guaranteed outcome because every struggle with time and...

Empowering women in every aspect

I am a drummer from Iraq. Playing music or doing any music activity professionally as an Iraqi is a dangerous thing to do. Some people had their lives threatened for teaching music or being...

Every Woman is Wonderful!

I have been very passionate about writing since young age. My writings were often published in college magazine. But it struck me that I want to write about women’s issues and share...

From Bondage to Mental Freedom

Freedom is possible!!! When I say those words I literally mean it’s possible! I recall so many challenging days in my life; when nothing but inward voices, hallucinations, depression...


I missed my chance…I’m such a loser…I give up…I can’t…I’m not Words well-known to my spirit. Words that CONTROLLED my FUTURE. Words that CONTROLLED...

Finding me

As a young woman I struggled with who I was. Not because I did not like who I was but because I had so many interests & wanted to be so many things I could not say “No”. In...