
Dedication: Every person who thinks it's over because they stumble on hard times

I missed my chance…I’m such a loser…I give up…I can’t…I’m not
Words well-known to my spirit. Words that CONTROLLED my FUTURE. Words that CONTROLLED me. All because I had a FALL in life. Instead of getting back up, i stayed down but you shouldn’t. Don’t do what i did.

I was rape at the age of 12 by 3 men i didn’t know. The abuse left me with scars. It built an anger in me that’s unexplainable. I no longer trusted men so i became a disgrace to my family (i decided to be gay). That’s not all, i needed to stop the pain so i started drugs (i used whatever could make me feel high). Would you believe all that was at 14 years old. For drugs i did whatever i had to (had sex with anyone), at 15 years old i was a school drop out and i had my first abortion but that didn’t stop me from getting drugs. At age 16 i was the best at what i did, drugs, lesbianism and sex. At 17 years old life was great until my younger brother asked me a question that made me who i am today, he asked ” What’s the lesson i’m suppose to learn from you about life,” at that moment i felt like the younger one, the way he spoke to me reminded me about life before 12 years old. My brother said to me ” after 12 years of learning and preparing for the future you let one day in hell ruined all that”.

But for real i thought to myself what’s the lesson…what’s the reward, hmm just like that my life was over. It was time for me to dig up my hope, dignity, faith and my dreams that was buried under all the anger, shame, pain, hurt, guilt and pity. It wasn’t easy but it was worth it. I had so much people who were willing to help me. At 18 years old i was focus on healing and recovering from what had happened.

Today i’m 19 years old, i’m writing, drawing and dancing. I’m working my way up to be a lawyer and a journalist. I have a long way to go but i’m not scared, i’m not giving up until i accomplish all my dreams

This is to tell you
If you fall 10,000 times, then you should get up 10,000 times. Don’t let your fall choose which path you take to the future. Don’t let failure be your #1 goal. Life isn’t about your age or the money you earn, it’s about living your dream. Live life your way, its yours to live.
Don’t DIE a FAILURE, it’ll be a waste of life. Your dreams are yours to live.

Dream Big And Remember You Are Loved

Katie Moore
Ronisha Louis


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Katie Moore

i'm 19 years old. I love writing ( poems, short stories, life stories), dancing, drawing and acting. I've had life rough from a very young age but it's not stopping me now from living my dreams.