Grief/Loss of a Loved One

I miss my aunt

I had an aunt with inner talent but never showed it. She actually baked cakes for a living and they were so delicious. Other than that she also cooked for us. She got married and soon had...

Give and Take

It’s hard not to feel like you’ve been robbed. I wouldn’t even call it robbery really. When you get robbed, at some point the items taken will be replaced or returned (if your lucky)...

Why I can’t love

I was born to a 14 year old girl and a 17 year old boy. I didn’t realize my life was any different than other until I was 10 years old. My mother was loving she cared for me despite how...

Our defining moments

We live our lifes from moment to moment, from breath to breath. Somethings we hold our breath to make the moment last but at times we hold it, close our eyes and beg for the moment to...

A Better Future

I’ve faced many of challenges. Well to start, I was a caregiver for my mom at the age of 13, and that had a huge impact on my school life. I would constantly get bullied and also...

My life

It was a long time ago, I was in preschool and my only emotion was happy. I didnt really know much at all, I thought life was all happiness and rainbows. Then I went to kndergarden, I was...

“Never give up”

VIDEO: Ava Vosu & Charlotte Toogood, mother and daughter midwives, share their perspective on perseverance, moving forward, and appreciating the inspiring people in our lives.


My name is Maegan & I am a recovered drug addict I have been clean for 1 year & 4 months. Last year around Christmas I lost my best friend, my only heart, my mother and that changed...

Transparency will ignite unity

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it includes references to childhood rape. My name is Zoe van Zyl. Life has been a struggle, and in the last year I have...