Cultural Norms

One Match Can Light up the Entire Forest

I have always been very quiet, even when others hurt me or treat me unfairly, I would simply die quietly with the pain…shed some tears or stay away in isolation. (Actually my culture...

Will Eve-Teasers ever Rule the World?

CAT-CALLING / WOLF-WHISTLING / EVE-TEASING FACED BY A TEACHER. I, Xavier Siby Moorkattil, a sincere student from Second Year(B-Section) of Academic Year 2017-2018, S.P.N. No. 1603179...

“In between”…

I have always struggled with messages about national, racial or gender identity.. even when it comes to trivial messages like “eat French”, “buy iron from our American...

“Entre Deux” …

J’ai toujours eu du mal avec les messages sur l’identité nationale, raciale ou de genre.. même quand il s’agit de message aussi triviaux que “mangez...

The Sreepur Village, Bangladesh

In my 26 years of married life, I gave birth to five daughters in hope each time of giving birth to a boy. Every time I gave birth to a girl I would have to suffer negativity, shame and...

Madame Secretary General From the Slum

A few days ago, I was asked again a question I receive quite often, “How did you grow up so differently from the ghettos where you were raised?” My answer has always been simple, the...

The Adolescent Girl Puzzle

In my community, being a girl is like putting together a really difficult puzzle. Being a girl can often mean that the different pieces of you don’t quite fit together. You should not be...