Abro mi portátil. Encuentro muchos documentos que siguen desatendidos. Cada documento tiene parte de un artículo que quedo medio horneado. Cada uno corresponde a los pensamientos que...
Claiming Your Power
Yes, YOUR story matters!
VIDEO: Yes, YOU have an inspiring story to share! Check out this 45-second video that explains why…
Believing in myself
My father raped me before I started school. I did not remember until very recently, in my early adulthood. I have always remembered only his brother molesting me when I was in middle...
Extraordinary Transformation
Like so many other women, I am a survivor. From the ashes of incest, abuse and neglect arose a passion to help others create extraordinary lives. At age 12, I was abandoned with my younger...
Me and my dyslexia
At the age of eight after a diagnosis i have been told i had a math dyslexia. At first, i didn’t really get what it means, but later, when i was about eleven, i started feeling like i...
Rolling Hope
My name is Ronnie Tre Lawson from Macon, Georgia. I graduated from Westside high school. Prior to my accident I was a scholar with a 3.0 GPA. June 11, A day I’ll remember for the rest of...
My Past My Strength
My ordeal all began in 1994 when I lost my Dad at the age of seven. I was then single handedly catered for by my mother who had no specific job yet having four of us as children to bring...
My Identity
Lost Black Boi I didn’t ask to be here or even ask to see what my eyes has seen.. See I wasn’t your typical Black Boi my gender didn’t match my sexuality.. Daddy walked...
Our defining moments
We live our lifes from moment to moment, from breath to breath. Somethings we hold our breath to make the moment last but at times we hold it, close our eyes and beg for the moment to...
Running the Race- A Testimony of Love and Grace
My name is De’Ana Forbes. I am a student at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, VA. I enrolled at the university in the fall of 2013 after being recruited to run hurdles...