Who am I? To tell you my life story would take a life time. Writing a book just won’t do!!! So where do I start??? I am fearfully and wonderfully made for one. I have faith that stands...
Claiming Your Power
To all the survivors out there
This may be hard to hear and feels like i am stating a streotype comment But for all those surviors of sexual abuse I just want to let you know your not alone I know everyday is a sturggle...
Keep Telling Your Story
VIDEO: Esenam Nyador reminds us that it is our right to share story and important that tell it ourself, and shares some aspects of her story in this brief conversation with Elisa Gambino...
Stories Lift Us Up
VIDEO: Margaret Kyakunda Mubanda talks with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place, about #ThePowerOfStories to lift us up, to educate and to inspire ourselves and others.
Mothers Have Power
VIDEO: Franscisca Mandeya, author of Mother Behold Thy Son, talks with Elisa Gambino, One Production Place, about “the power of a mother to transform this world.”
Stories Empower
VIDEO: Ruth Kilimo, discusses the work of Market Girls Foundation, Kenya, and the role of stories in empowering and encourage girls and young women, in this brief conversation with Elisa...
My healing journey.
I am going to tell you my full story. There’s several people who know different chapters of this, but not a single soul that’s ever known the whole thing. Why am I doing this...
I said no and I will keep saying no
Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood rape and sexual assault. Its hard to write an introduction to this. I’ve waited...
“A world where gender equality is realized”
VIDEO: Oumie Sissokho, of The Girls’ Agenda in The Gambia, shares her perspective about how survivors’ stories empower and create a positive impact, in this brief conversation with...
How I survived bullying and anxiety
When I was a little kid, my mom would always tell me that I had the most amazing attitude that could cheer anyone up. I was always smiling and making jokes to keep my classmates laughing...