
My heart still beats but it’s tired

When I was a small child, I grew up with a father that worked hard to provide a mother that took care of the home, worked a small job, and raised 3 children. I was the baby out of the 3. My...

it is my story

Trigger warning: Before reading this post, please be aware that it contains descriptions of childhood sexual assault and rape. i am done, i am done letting people make me feel like it...

Surviving an unhappy home

I was an extremely shy only child of a single mum, living alone with her after her divorce from my dad, and eventually she remarried a creepy guy who claimed to want to adopt me and to love...

Time Heals All Wounds

I still remember that night that everything fell apart. I remember the distinct sound of glass breaking. I remember the yelling and the crying and the sounds of the sirens outside. I...

My story

When i was 3 years old my parents had got divorced, I have never known why they did until now. I’m only 11 years old right now but theres to much on my mind and i need to get this...

Good deeds and God speed

My life is crazy. There are so many ups and downs, ripples, and waves in my timeline, to the extent motion sickness is unavoidable. When I find myself reflecting, I cry, laugh, and get...


Girls on the run is so much fun!! This is a 100% true statement. I became involved with the program when my daughter was in 3rd grade. I immediately got on board with assistant coaching...

A Christmas Thief

Every Christmas, my father brought home several large beautifully decorated candy boxes that he had received from customers. He gave these boxes to my mother for safekeeping and she stored...

Life on Brentmoor Ct pt. 1/4

This is a true story. Most of the names have been altered for personal reasons, but the story remains the same. It is a sad story, but not without hope; a redemptive story. My story. Once...