Anxiety Feels Like a Bully

Dedication: I would like to dedicate this story to everyone at Kooth. Kooth is an amazing website with lots of magazine and discussion board submissions about many different topics. There are also amazing counsellors that you can talk to. Or you can use your journal to write in. And you can even set yourself goals or join in with a live forum event!

In my mind anxiety feels like a massive bully. It holds me back from taking up new opportunities and to speak up. It makes me constantly put myself down. Anxiety feels like a massive bully. It is unfortunate but anxiety is part of me.

In the past I used to actually be a victim of bullying at school and it has significantly traumatised me and has had a significant impact on my mental health. This is why anxiety feels especially like a bully in my mind to me.

I don’t know if anyone else feels the way that I do. But remember you are never alone. Nobody is alone.

Anxiety is not something that we are born with although many people might not understand that. There is stigma attached to mental health but I believe that this is wrong and should not have to happen. People with mental health issues are still worthy of love, respect and equal rights.

There is a difference between feeling anxious and having anxiety. They sound very similar but are 2 very different things.

Anxiety has had a massive impact on me not just emotionally but it is also beginning to have an impact on my independence and academically. I don’t know what my future will be. Will it be bright or full of darkness and sadness? My independence is already particularly hard for me due to having special needs and co-ordination issues. But I don’t let it define me. This is me. I make no apologies!

Remember that we all must be there for each other. In the past, now and always! Look out for people who might be vulnerable or struggling for whatever reason.